We've discussed lots of good examples in class recently. I'll upload info and links soon. In the meantime, I'm planning to talk about Lesbian Vampire Killers in Monday's 'Writing Techniques' class. An excellent example of syntactic ambiguity. Homework might be to find out exactly how many different possible meanings it might have. More creatively, maybe we could work on a Pythonesque/Pirandello-esque sketch where characters find it impossible to act until they can determine which reading they should go for? ('No no, we're not lesbians who kill vampires! We're killers of lesbian vampires!' 'Are you sure?'...)
A friend of mine made the comment: "I wonder if my idea for the 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' sequel, 'Black Zombie Lynchers', will also make it to the cinema, onto billboards, etc. I doubt it."
Previously I had not spotted the non-PCness, the discrimiation against lesbians in this, but replacing 'lesbian' with 'black' made it quite obvious!
Posted by: Hanna | March 28, 2009 at 12:48 PM